Chinese Leisure Seal, Qing. Attractive Gao Shan Stone by 张燕昌.
Very attractive Chinese seal, dark red-white beige Shou Shan Gao Shan Stone with a dragon and her baby as handle. Engraved are 4 characters: Chu Yu Tian Chu 出于天出 (deriving from heaven).
The seal as a whole has been delicately carved and the artist used the different shades of the stone in an exciting way: The white for the baby-dragon, the beige for the smoke out of the mouth.
The seal was engraved by the famous calligrapher and seal carver Zhang Yanchang (张燕昌 1738-1810).
Side engraving with details and seal carver’s name.
0,8 x 0,8 x 3,8 inches (21 x 22 x 98 mm), 99 gram, very fine condition.
张燕昌(1738-1814)字芑堂,号文鱼(耕砚田斋笔记作字文鱼,号芑堂),又号金粟山人,浙江海盐人。乾隆四十三年(一七七七)优贡,嘉庆元年(一七九 六)举孝廉方正。擅篆、隶、飞白、行、楷书,精金石篆刻、勒石,工画兰竹,兼善山水、人物、花卉,皆攸然越俗,别有意趣。为丁敬高弟。初及门时,囊负南瓜 二枚为贽,各重十馀斤。敬欣然受之,为烹瓜具饭焉。有金石契、飞白书录、鸳鸯湖札歌、石鼓文释存、芑堂印谱
More antique Chinese Seals: HERE